Locatie: Amsterdam, Diversen internationaal

In opdracht van producer en productie gezelschap 4D Sound heeft MAV Techniek een complete arena ontworpen en geleverd. Dit decor bevat het 4D Sound concept waarbij 48 individueel aangestuurde omni-directionele speakers en 9 sub-woofers geplaatst zijn. De speakers hangen in 16 ronde speaker zuilen. Voor de Tech-Opera NIKOLA van Paul Oomen heeft MAV Techniek nog 6 projectoren met gemotoriseerde projectieschermen geleverd.

4DSOUND produces moving sound images, in an unlimited spatial continuum.

4DSOUND enables you to walk through space and experience sound from all directions. Sound seems to hover in space – like a phantom. Sounds move around, above, beneath and in-between the listeners. Led by your ears, you’re encouraged to explore the space. You can move between blocks of sound, touch lines of sound and walk through walls of sound.

4DSOUND invites you to lose orientation and transcend the actual space you’re in. Sounds can seem intimately close as if whispered in your ear – or floating afar on the distant horizon. Sounds can circle around your head like a flock of birds, or twirl in the air like feathers.

4DSOUND charges, conducts and explodes energies in space. You’re not only hearing sound, but experiencing it – as a manifestation of physical momentum.

Tech-Opera: NIKOLA (link)